luficer in the lounge

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dumbie 4 years ago

Love the funhouse

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luficerslounge 4 years ago

thank you dumbie, i appreciate it. c:

was locked out of my site for so long, i thought i was going to lose it. i know i always say this, but i really can't wait to get back to work. over the past couple of days my websyte has been getting more hits than when i was active on it. :p i hope everyone is doing well.
peelspace 4 years ago

welcome back!

ninjacoder58 4 years ago

Same thing happened to me 2 years ago I was shut out about 2 weeks and like you said, it was flipsville. I get nervous just thinking about it.

luficerslounge 4 years ago

thank you peelspace :3 and ninjacoder it is the worst feeling to think something you worked so hard on could just vanish/ and or be out of your control.

i feel a lot of the time on social media i am the person to reach out first, once i get it in my head that a person is cool, i need to be their friend. I've never noticed someone reaching out to me first. I always go after people i want in my life, I really like having friends. I didn't have many growing up, but towards high school started to rack up a few, and in high school had a decent sized group of friends.
luficerslounge 5 years ago

i miss having more people. i only have one friend left and a couple online friends that seem to be distancing themselves, i feel because i am annoying. i think i push people away, i scare people away and when i can't take human interaction and have to be alone for a long time, nobody respects that. im worn out from trying so hard, i just want poeple in my life who share some of my obscure interests.

luficerslounge 5 years ago

there's been very few times in my life that i felt interesting, or "cool" to someone, and that was some time ago.

menmy 5 years ago

i can relate lol recently someone just got very mad at me just bc i was giving myself a time from people. like it happens, i need to do that to NOT be insane and act all crazy and shit sigh i'm very random like i don't even say hi i just talk abt some random stuff and if u want to be in contact lemme know since ur music taste is great and i bet u're a cool person!

I am really taking the time to take all glitches, mistakes and such out of my site and finally add what i want to, and get it running better with more to do and look at. i am finally just getting back on my feet with my health difficulties, so staring at a computer screen for hours on end is what my near future will look like. (it was giving my wicked migraines to look at devices while i was sick)
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rxqueen 5 years ago

glad you're doing better! <3

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hey man, i love mario kart 64 (obviously a classic), i love diddy kong racing, super mario 64, pokemon stadium i think it was, golden eye, idk i love a lot of n64 games. which ones do you like? also if you wanna talk or be pals, we can exchange a social media or somethin.
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suckmagl0ckhs 5 years ago

hey there! i like those games a lot. ocarina of time is fucking awesome! my email is we can exchange info there!

Hello! So sorry that it took so long to get back to you. Here's your code for NewWeb: Thank you!
someone leave a comment on my sinspace page!!! it only has one, and it was me testing out the comment box xD
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luficerslounge 5 years ago

yay to whoever did comment xD ily


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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedJul 16, 2018
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drugs music videogames 90s death