luficer in the lounge

2,149 updates
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neopets/subeta/goatlings style?
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i get so sad at people who disappear on sites, but then i get even sadder wondering if people have ever wondered about my dead profiles. not only do i have a fear of forgetting people, i have the fear of being forgotten. xD
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i used to actually have an email where i talked to some of you on, but i lost the password for that email shortly after starting conversations with some of you. i often disappear all over the internet for various reasons, but i don't want to anymore. im trying. this are kinda looking up for me, i mean if you ever read my website you know i had some demons to get rid of. anyway, if people do want to communicate with
luficerslounge 3 years ago

me, i'm going to create another one with a password so easy anyone could "hack" me, but at least i will never forget. like this if i should make a new email to connect and communicate.

scifirenegade 3 years ago

If you don't mind me asking or suggesting, maybe a password manager? Then all you had to do was remember one password. Sorry.

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luficerslounge 3 years ago

lol tf is a password manager? im too old school ive never used one. also dont be sorry lol

hope you are well pal
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spacemako 3 years ago

I am! I hope you are well too

:( hope you are well traveller
1 like very important piece of internet literature
websitering 3 years ago This is so nostalgic it hurts. Wow. I'm starting to tear up. :'(

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websitering 3 years ago

Flash emulator: In theory, webmasters can add this to their Flash-based sites to make them work again. It doesn't have to die!

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luficerslounge 3 years ago

i cannot edit the pages yet, until my account is 1 day old. when you create a pet, a page gets randomly generated for them. :3

it's time for the public to take back their internet, take back their creativity and bring back the idea of the internet filled with personality.
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just me or is the an influx in new members these days? i think my plan is working, i have been raving about this site everywhere since i made mine. xD
thanks for the follow. i like your layout
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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedJul 16, 2018
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