luficer in the lounge

2,149 updates
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i'm trying to get back into coming on her everyday, even if i don't post anything new, i will be working on at least one thing everyday. need to get this habit back in action.
sometimes i can't believe it isn't 2006 anymore..
sorry for the lack of everything. i have been going through some health problems, and obviously without my health i cannot keep up with this site. once i am back to normal, this site will be littered with new things. i have so many ideas and visions for this site. stay tuned if you want.
luv this <3
"I'm curious how old you think I may be with that hint?" Hmmm, maybe late 20s?
luficerslounge 5 years ago

i'm 21. but online people have always thought im older, but when you meet me in person i look like i'm 12. x) plus i was on the internet waay too early and my grandma never supervised my internet play. so i guess i have seen some major phases of the internet.

Ah I just saw yer question on my guestbook. "You're a 2000s baby?" Yep, I was born in 2000. "Did anyone really play Poptropica?" Yeah it was really popular. I remember a bunch of kids playing on the computer in class. (One that had the pipes screensaver.) Can't remember how I found out about Poptropica originally. Huh.
biggulpsupreme 5 years ago

I'm curious though if you are asking as someone older than me or younger than me.

empeethree 5 years ago

well, ASOT is what people said when they saw the pipes.

luficerslounge 5 years ago

Very cool, I could sense it. Wow, I honestly didn't know of kids playing that game, but now I'm going to ask my little sister if she heard of the hype. I am older. Not by too much, though. I'm curious how old you think I may be with that hint?

1 like
thanks for your comment dude :3
i love the layout of your syte, bruv!
dann 5 years ago

Much appreciated. It's an ugly monster that just keeps growing.

2 likes this website is what made me start mine... something about it brought me right back to little me being ever so patient with our dial-up. it was like the entire internet looked like that, but only for a moment in my life. very steadily things became simplistic, un-interesting to look at, and the personal websytes became a thing of the past.
dann 5 years ago

I feel like 1995-1997 or so was the prime era of the stereotypical Geocities/animated gif design. Then tables and frames took over, so the whole design was crammed into an invisible grid that was sliced in Photoshop. A few years after that CSS and the horrible 'float' alignment took hold, and then eventually stuff like the 960px grids.

dann 5 years ago

Mobile killed it all since sites need to easily strip down to fit on smaller screens. We're back where we started trying to accomodate the old 640x480.


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CreatedJul 16, 2018
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