luficer in the lounge

2,149 updates
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thanks for the follow
severe 3 years ago

no problem ^_^ love ur website!

1 like
luficerslounge 3 years ago

thanks, yours is awesome too :3

1 like
does anyone play neopets? if you want to add me my username is "yungemospazz". hope everyone is physically healthy and mentally well.
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added one of your pets to my homepage sidebar :p
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i was brought into this world in 1997, i never wanted to be here either. if you don't stay on this earth you cannot share your art and passion. don't let the rabbit hole of human darkness take you over the edge. stay healthy and well.
thanks for the follow. awesome start can't wait to see what it becomes
1 like
hope everyone is well. times are difficult. stay healthy.
1 like
who is bryton a? i want to be his friend.
i love your site so far,,,, also ur an enby and i'm trans boy so technically we are now siblings :p
1 like
dumbie 4 years ago

a emo bro sounds nice, i’m for it lol

1 like

Website Stats

Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedJul 16, 2018
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drugs music videogames 90s death