The web site of myownprivateheaven

2,113 updates
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I'm not done with the movies link, so bare with me because soon I'll be updating
I still have work to do in my website, since I think it's bit over the place, for example, I want to change the "about me" page, the movies page, I want to finish the book page and so on and so on (yes, paradise lost is a reference to the book) ,
More than 3000 views? Wow! Thank you so much guys, I'll keep updating soon
Hi there! I've been pretty inactive, but I will come back. I have a lot of ideas for this website, for example: I want to rearrange my secret review page + add 5 movies reviews, maybe add a footer, change/add some blinkies, finish my books link, update my listography and add my cabinet of curiosities

Website Stats

Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedJan 9, 2025
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