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Happy gay little birthday to me
HELP I DELETED YOUR COMMENT OFF MY PAGE BY ACCIDENT IM SORRY T_T jsyk i do have a button on my main page!! also i love your website its so cool
kittymanya 2 years ago

JHDGJHDGJHD it happens dw! also thank you ahgdfjgf i had no clue that the main page scrolled LOL i had been looking everywhere and couldnt find it. And ty :D!!!

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haha thank you for the 'welcome to ohio' on my blog post! I won't say exactly where i live obviously for privacy reasons but im very close to the border of west virginia :P Ive been here a lot before because of family but we finally moved since my dad retired and New York is expensiiiive
i love the design of the into page! colorful pixel stuff it so cool
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arlita 2 years ago

O: i live in ohio!! based on what you said it sounds like i live somewhere more populated but either way, hey welcome to ohio!!!!!

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Making progress on the OC pages! Everyone in the "galaxy" section of Sintane is almost done, only Lulin and Mirabelle are missing. then after that i can get started on the city sections >:)
kittymanya 2 years ago

still need to make that "video" page and the music page but im saving the music page for when me and my friend finally finish our first mashup album. video page though i have no excuse for. i just havent tried to figure out what i want it to look like. i wanna do a tv look with "channel buttons" on the side to swap between my animations/other videos/twitch stream. but also i feel like everyone does the tv gimmick hm

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Last updated 3 months ago
CreatedDec 5, 2018
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