Orion Constellation

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i love your site!! it's so awesome to find other systems on neocities!! :)
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cosmicwarp 1 day ago

yoooo another system! love the style of your site

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oh my god i love the theme! very very cool
merlins-ghast 2 days ago

I noticed when I right click on a link to open in a new tab (a habit of mine) that the movable window gets stuck on my cursor and won't stop.

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cosmicwarp 1 day ago

which links are you talking about? I need to figure out how to fix that

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merlins-ghast 1 day ago

I don't know if it effects other links as well, but when i am on desktop and go to the "links" section, it happens with any of the links in that list. They work normally when I left click them, but not on right click

cosmicwarp 1 day ago

unfortunately, I think thats on your end? Its not doing that for me and i cant figure out what part of the code is doing it. Sorry ;-;

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merlins-ghast 1 day ago

To be clear, to reproduce you will need to rightclick and "open in new tab" or "open in new window" then return to the window, and it will be stuck to your cursor. I believe that it will be a property in the code that controls how you move the mini-windows. For example, I know in some auto-hotkey implimentations there is one command to press the key, but you also need a release command, it may be something like this.

merlins-ghast 1 day ago

I'm on Google Chrome 93, which I know isn't exactly current, but I can't update past this or use a different browser.

merlins-ghast 1 day ago

I created a youtube video of the behavior, if you are interested. IDK if i can share links on here, but it's just at youtube /watch?v=qain5Qg1qDY

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CreatedFeb 29, 2024
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