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roxwize was updated.
5 months ago
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hoylecake 5 months ago

Waga waga bobo. Site has themes now. Pick and choose. ctrl+shift+r. Let me know if there's a color scheme you desperately want added (give me all the juicy details).

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hoylecake 5 months ago

OK -- I'm probably not going to add any more themes past this, because one light and dark theme is a fine balance on their own. Anything more would just fuck up the website's "branding" I guess.

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roxwize was updated.
5 months ago
hoylecake 5 months ago

The layout has been updated to better fit mobile devices. Make sure to ctrl+shift+r to see the changes. Tell me if it makes things better or worse pleae.

roxwize was updated.
5 months ago
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roxwize was updated.
5 months ago
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Thank you for the follow!!! I love the look of your website!
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aclumpofmoss 5 months ago

thanks! yours is pretty awesome too, it's so clean and organised :0

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roxwize was updated.
6 months ago
hoylecake 6 months ago

Website copyright status has been updated to the more lax CC BY 4.0. You're now free to do whatever you want with its contents as long as you provide attribution. Have fun.

Just a reminder that if you want your site to be advertised and/or you want to advertise other sites, TRLM is still up. I don't know if it's seen any use but if there's anything you need added to it to make it better for you then just tell me and I'll get around to implementing it.
hoylecake 6 months ago

Some time from now, probably when I get home today, I'll work on getting the iframe itself to automatically resize itself to fit its contents so you won't have to worry about hardcoding its width and height

roxwize was updated.
6 months ago
encounters-ltd 6 months ago

HECK YEAH love seeing GNOG and its ost get some appreciation

1 like
hoylecake 6 months ago

I fell in love with that game as soon as I heard its announcement all those years ago. 100%ing it feels awesome, I wish there was more of it :(

1 like
roxwize was updated.
6 months ago
roxwize was updated.
6 months ago
1 like

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Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedMay 25, 2020
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blog music furry