
2,324 updates
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i like the new boards update very nice
graybox 5 months ago

i made a boards update??? i really gotta stop drinking...

canofaltoids 5 months ago

yeah the subdomain led to ur main site!! it was so cool

thx 4 the follow! I'll add your button soon!
here's my serious take on AI: AI will never ever be able to replace humans no matter how good it gets at creating art. for example, if you wanted to write a song that "felt like growing up and reminiscing of your childhood" you could theoretically generate have AI generate trillions of songs that sound kinda like what you were imagining, but it'll never be able to create something based off your actual experience.
graybox 5 months ago

wether it be because of the limitations of language (and thus the limitations of the prompt) or our own technology, it'll NEVER be able to inference off your own personal experiences the same way another human would never be able to live your life. it is the same thing as hiring another human to do it for you. your own limitations and experiences are what make your own art your own.

graybox 5 months ago

you shouldn't be scared about AI if you aren't scared of Xx_AwesomeFreelanceArtist123_xX on fiverr. it'll never be YOU.

graybox 5 months ago

if your only thought is wether or not your creation is "good" then you aren't creating art, you are creating a commodity. this is what AI does. it creates *commodities* for us. itll only be able to create things that are "good", not things based off anything spiritual or truly unique to one's experience of life. even sentient AI would still be limited by the same limitations as a freelancer or whatever :P

rbuchanan 5 months ago

AI's potential at prompt is less limited by lingual limitations than those of the average (re: subliterate) normie's vernacular. If AI somehow developed a capacity to receive and exploit afflatus approximating that of humans, I'd sooner interact with than oppose it.

woah the global feed shows posts now... heheh forget what I said about Kyle's blog post not being a big deal,,, he's actually a horrible person!!! make sure you, yes YOU, sign up for an account on so you can post all about how bad of a person he is WITHOUT supporting his HORRENDOUS site!!
graybox 5 months ago

while you're at it you might aswell send me some flowers... y'know, in the name of uhh,,, killing AI!!!!!!!!! 😁😁

1 like
oh my god I just realized all these people moving away from Neocities is all because Mr. Drake's AI thing 😭😭 y'all it's NOT that bad,, you'll SURVIVE!!!
jonathn 5 months ago

Lowkey, he had a reasonable take, people just see “AI” and immediately think it’s bad. Imagine telling these people that AI is older than their parents

harrazel 5 months ago

i'm out of the loop on this, what specifically happened?

canofaltoids 5 months ago

Neocities community is bitching about Kyle Drake not treating generative stuff like Hitler lol

funnyorangecat 5 months ago

online leftists have a nuanced take on ai challenge (impossible)

canofaltoids 5 months ago

i think if u let politics get shoved up your ass in any sizeable amount at all you are an idiot and i do not like you

canofaltoids 5 months ago

i know it wasnt meant in a political sense just felt like saying that

graybox 5 months ago

@harrazel Kyle Drake (Sir Neo of Cities the III) made a blog post like a year ago basically saying "AI ain't that bad bruh, it was bound to happen at some point" and all the psudeo-activists on here lost their shit 😭

rbuchanan 5 months ago

so gay, lol

nanoarrow 5 months ago

so called "people that respect everyone's opinion" when somebody has a different opinion:

xobyte 5 months ago

realest thread I've read in a hot minute

my entire feed is people who use Neocities mostly for hosting moving to nekoweb, and people using Neocities for the social stuff moving to Piki...
chipsfunfun 5 months ago

I'm here for both. don't have resources to code at home tho, sadly. computer time was taken away. but I'll get it back soon

arandomsite 5 months ago

ill prolly stay w/ neocities

nanoarrow 5 months ago

leaving neocities because of that is extremely stupid

wish13 5 months ago

i left neocities for github pages

Good night. Can you please unadd my web site button from your web site? I don't feel like having it hotlinked.
1 like
graybox 5 months ago

ill upload the image to catbox if hotlinking is the problem!!

thanx 4 the follow!! can't wait to see how your site grows!!!
1 like
hello robu... did you know you could extend your car's warranty in three easy steps, none involving signing your soul away to a theoretical intergalactic monopoly?
rbuchanan 5 months ago

What warranty?!

1 like
im an emperor from venus btw

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CreatedSep 26, 2021
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