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Lowkey, he had a reasonable take, people just see “AI” and immediately think it’s bad. Imagine telling these people that AI is older than their parents
i'm out of the loop on this, what specifically happened?
Neocities community is bitching about Kyle Drake not treating generative stuff like Hitler lol
online leftists have a nuanced take on ai challenge (impossible)
i think if u let politics get shoved up your ass in any sizeable amount at all you are an idiot and i do not like you
i know it wasnt meant in a political sense just felt like saying that
@harrazel Kyle Drake (Sir Neo of Cities the III) made a blog post like a year ago basically saying "AI ain't that bad bruh, it was bound to happen at some point" and all the psudeo-activists on here lost their shit 😭
oh. dumb
so gay, lol
so called "people that respect everyone's opinion" when somebody has a different opinion:
realest thread I've read in a hot minute