[ https://f.feridinha.com/VXTpx.png ] — now I thought of adding Tokahomu, yet this ended up creating this dilemma..
Of course no one noticed — why do I even bother maintaining this web site and those social media accounts? No online presents => No problems!
Just as it was done earlier — Music of The Release: [ https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/quake/images/f/f5/QuakeSoundtrack06.ogg/ ]
Because I know you won't agree to not hotlink it. Neither it appears you read my web site anyway. And… TIME IS UP!
Err, I'm about this — [ https://f.feridinha.com/ME8NE.png ]. But still, I HAVE NO WORKING PRINTER FACULTY SO I HAVE TO RESORT TO THIS.
Actually this The Navigator update was supposed to take place all the way back to May 12th and 1.001 — yet this completely ignorant piece of a stylesheet was completely forgotten about until more than half a year. Well, NOW you finally can enjoy those dotted layer lines in dark mode!
(Tell me Neocities now renders its screenshots on a EGA screen from now on)
Neocities now renders its screenshots on a EGA screen from now on: I feel that the change is not good, correct me if I am wrong.