
5,903 updates
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Hello! This is such a cool webringm I'd love to join if you'll have me! URL: , Slug:Curiosity_Cabinet , Full Title: The Cabinet of Curiosities , Description: I'm an author and aspiring novelist, my work focusing on the horrifying, the taboo, and all things macabre!
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ghostring 9 months ago

Hey I added you!! Thanks for the compliment, your site looks awesome!

1 like
here's my info! sorry for the issues, it's my first time joining a webring ^^' "name": "sammylux", "slug": "sammylux", "about": "I'm a trad goth, an artist, a horror lover. I post about anything that interests me, I maintain an art gallery and I try to learn html :-)", "url": "", "owner": ""
1 like
ghostring 9 months ago

no worries at all I'm glad you're joining!!! You're added!!!

1 like
hello :) i think this is a fun ring to find, thanks so much for running it. i'd love to join if you'll have me too! URL is , slug is ghosthoused. the full title is "GHOST HOUSE", a description is "a text-based haunted house adventure story", contact is ^_^ let me know if you need anything else. thanks again!!
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ghostring 9 months ago

Thank YOU! You're added!!!

1 like
Hello, Id like to join :] the site is (, the slug would be "swampgremlin" and as for the desc "Horror comic writer/ illustrator, we have spooks, specters, old men and my unsolicited opinion on things", thank you in advance!
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ghostring 9 months ago

I added ya!!

1 like
Hiii i would like to join the webring! my site is, my slug is cryptid-diaries, and my desc can be 'Personal blog of investigative journalist and cryptozoologist' :)
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ghostring 9 months ago

Added you!!

hello*, so sorry for not being online for much time but I'd like to join the ring, however my memory does suck so I might have already requested one
1 like
ghostring 9 months ago

Hey no worries I added ya :)

hiii id love to join, my site is ',' my slug is 'caesthoffe,' and the desc is "a nerdcore punk-esque grunge nu-metalhead's personal project; filled with art, music, and other oddities!" thank youuuu :3
ghostring 9 months ago

Hey, you caught me at a good time, so I've already added you!!

1 like

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Last updated 6 days ago
CreatedFeb 5, 2024
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witches stories horror ghosts webring