Yumeka’s Book of Shadows

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Yumeka, huh… Wonder where he is.
I wanted to find out what species of sea snail my pendant came from and instead I discovered the cultural history of gastropod opercula and that Shiva shells are a Western fad/sham market invented in the mid 2000s. Neat!
Jotted down some thoughts on Zan-Shin and mindful awareness and their part in my practice. I’m realising more and more that things that make sense to me aren’t even considered by must witches, shamans, et cetera. That doesn’t bother me, but it strikes me how much of popular spirituality is just market filler with crystals, that kind of thing.
Added a few links into my earlier posted essay on modern Japanese “traditional” culture, and a link to a documentary on Korean shamanism in the Links page.
cadnomori 4 years ago

I adore your essay on Shinto. One thing that I'd like to add from my own research is there is an intense focus on cleansing the soul from sin and impurities in some sects, and there are many others like the Konkokyo faith that worship a kamisama but are distinct from state-sponsored Shinto from the turn of the 19th century. It is a muddied history of many things and very culturally diffused.

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cadnomori 4 years ago

I wanted to also thank you for mentioning the Ainu people and their traditions. It has been an uphill battle to preserve their oral history that many Japanese historians have taken credit for instead (see Yukie Chiri). Their recognition as an aboriginal group in only 2019 is extremely distressing. I hope I didn't say anything incorrect/disrespectful, please tell me if so.

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yumeka-the-witch 4 years ago

I don’t understand the reference to Yukie Chiri? As far as I’m aware, no one stole credit for her work. Kunio Yanagita and Kyousuke Kindaichi left their names off her manuscript and published her collection of kamuy yukar unaltered. There is an afterword by Kindaichi but he doesn’t take credit for compiling or transcribing any of the contents.

cadnomori 4 years ago

@yumeka-the-witch My goodness, I deeply apologize! I must've had an incorrect source, you are correct. I didn't mean to spread false information like that. I was informed that she was credited upon rereleases instead of the original publishing. Sorry about that ;;

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CreatedOct 23, 2020
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