Wake up with a new idea

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when did i follow this guy
levirenn 5 months ago

prob could have been a follow back without thinking about it

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Your site is dedicated to you sellings NFTs in exchange for ideas. You just followed a site run by a person who is overtly against NFTs. I recommend choosing sites to follow based on their content.
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notbrick 2 years ago

I don't see anything wrong with you being against NFTs. NFT is first and foremost a technology and only then the options for its use.

kaa 2 years ago

I was referring to you having followed

kaa 2 years ago

"I'm staunchly against NFTs and crypto as they're not only awful for the environment, but they contribute to the web becoming more inaccessible to people."

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notbrick 2 years ago

There are such projects as hedera or miota which are built on hashgraph technology.I think the author of this site that you gave me as an example will change his vision in the future, and if not, he has the right to think so)

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Last updated 2 years ago
CreatedOct 7, 2022
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art education nft ideas