Wasongo's Gallery

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slashdiv 11 months ago

the turon and bubbletea :DDD

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wasongo 11 months ago

i wonder if anyone has taken my honking goose sticker yet?? i think it's my favorite of the bunch i've made

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slashdiv 11 months ago

I'll take it once i make my own sticker sheet :DDD

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wasongo 11 months ago

@slashdiv looking forward to your stickers!

I tried to leave a comment on your guestbook but the submit button wasn't working. In any case, I've had your site bookmarked for a while and I love your layout and artwork! I'll be adding your button to my site!
melankorin 11 months ago

!! thank you so much, you're too kind! i've had your website saved too, and i can say the same aha

melankorin 11 months ago

i'll be adding your button too in the next update then! and please, could you tell me what went on with the guestbook? i'd like to fix it

wasongo 11 months ago

oh i’m flattered! as for the guestbook the submit button is just appearing gray to me as if it’s non functional. It does nothing when I tried to click it to submit a message! Don’t know if it’s just me, though i tried it on 2 different browsers.

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saint-images 11 months ago

Same for me, had to remove the "disabled" attribute from the button using devtools. Didn't stop me from expressing my love to the site!

melankorin 11 months ago

yo! took me a while but i think ive fixed it

wow stunning page!! adding your sticker to my sticker sheet!! and your button~ 😊
wasongo 11 months ago

thanks so much!! your marine site theme is beautiful! i’ll link back to you as well!

Hey! Quick reply to your msg about the neocreatives js widget. I put it up on my site just now but it still doesn't display properly. Noticed the widget on the neocreatives page is linking to "" though, so I think the url might have just been input wrong. Sorry for the trouble!
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freakphone 11 months ago

ahh yep, I just input it wrong haha. got it fixed now!!

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anyone know if the neocreatives widget is still not working properly for new people on the webring?
freakphone 11 months ago

hello! I update the webring and it looks like I just missed your URL while updating the js file! sorry about that, it should be fixed now.

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wasongo 11 months ago

Oh thank you for notifying me about this!

wasongo 12 months ago

i'm compressing some PNGs around the site to hopefully make loading times a little faster!

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CreatedFeb 6, 2022
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