The Literary Bisexual

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Where do you find free graphics, patterns etc.? I'm looking both for vintage stuff and modern copyright free stuff to add visual interest to the site - illustrations, dividers, menu icons and simmilar. I would appreciate any tips! 💖
pseudepigraph 2 years ago

I go to archives of public domain images; there are multiple I like but the British Library's flickr is my bestie

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blanketfort 2 years ago

there's a lot of free graphics on deviantart! you could search up 'vintage textures' and people post whole collections!

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theliterarybisexual 2 years ago

I'm checking both of those our rn and they're amazing, thank you!!

bright-eyes 2 years ago

The Biodiversity Library has a lot of material that's copyright free.

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theliterarybisexual 2 years ago

@bright-eyes Thank you, it's beautiful!

capstasher 2 years ago

capstasher 2 years ago

capstasher 2 years ago

also you could hunt down old books yourself from internet archive, national libraries (scotland's is pretty good for this) or your local library. you'll have to isolate the ink from the paper and give it a transparent background but the work is definitelly worth it

theliterarybisexual 2 years ago

@capstasher Thank you, I've bookmarked all of those! I have been removing backgrounds on my new finds and it can be a bit tricky but you can't beat the authentic look!

So what do you guys use to code? Notepad? Codepen? I like the Neocities editor but I don't want to use it for a major overhaul and have a temporarily broken website... Any recommendations? :)
blamensir 2 years ago

brackets! as far as I know its a free program

veir 2 years ago

i sometimes draft on notepad yeah just use the editor for smaller/safer updates

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celebritymonkey 2 years ago

I only use neocities editor, unfortunately.

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theliterarybisexual 2 years ago

Thank you, guys! I normally use the Neocities editor too but I'll check out Brackets for this :)

theliterarybisexual 2 years ago

I haven't had a lot of time for neocities in the past month but I've finally added a new book! Hopefully I can work on the website more in these coming weeks :)

theliterarybisexual 2 years ago

I set up an email. 😊

theliterarybisexual 2 years ago

I love seeing photos on people's websites and it gave me the idea for these "reading photo logs" but I'm also worried it's a bad cringe idea lol

arlita 2 years ago

i actually really like that idea, when im on a thoughtful walk and take photos, i sometimes surprise myself when i remember what i was thinking about when i look back on the pictures. when i look at your pictures, i wonder what part of which book you were at :)

blanketfort 2 years ago

i also love seeing people's own photos. i don't think it's a cringe idea at all! plus, those photos are beautiful. it's so interesting to see where people are in the world and what they're up to via photos

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theliterarybisexual 2 years ago

Thank you both for kind words, that's very reasuring! 😊

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I'm super into everything that's going on here!

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CreatedJun 25, 2022
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