Nuclear Nerdery

186 updates
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Hey, been following the website since I'm also a nuclear nerd! Cool to hear about you getting involved with the ANS and having a passion for nuclear science. I am throwing my hat in the ring for interviewing if you are interested. I have a background in engineering and will be starting my career in nuclear soon.
justasmalltownnerd 1 month ago

Thank you so much for being willing to be interviewed and following the website! I'll send you an email you with more details soon.

1 like
I just read your article about visiting a nuclear power plant and I'm so jealous! It's nice to see someone else is just as insane about nuclear engineering as I am haha
1 like
This is sick, I'm looking forward to more updates on your research as it sounds very interesting
justasmalltownnerd 2 months ago

Thank you so much!! I'm super excited to post more about it :)

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedJun 10, 2024
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