f.a.r. was a short-lived project in 2017. the premise was simple: editing relatively well-known music to sound as though it were being heard from another room. at its height, with 60,000 followers, it was shut down by copyright strikes within 3 months of its beginning. neocities has shown the potential for it to be given a revival. we'll see!
Pretty sure I've seen things floating around from this very blog, especially since you mark it around 2017. Cool to see people who have had some weird reach/influence!
the closest i ever wished get to social media are tumblr and discord, i prefer to keep it that way. i vastly prefer 1x1 and small-circle communication to the alternative. i have always been uncomfortable with the notion that we were meant to know every little thing about one other just because these platforms exist, and are engineered to draw things out of us
anyone is welcome to add me on either of the platforms i mentioned earlier. besides that i will communicate here *sparingly* and likely refrain from following people who use neocities' social function liberally. it's nothing personal, in fact I'd like to get to know many of you, i would just prefer it to be somewhere more comfortable ^ ^;
I don't have a preference for how I browse other people's, but for me personally I don't do chronological... I actually tend to order by effort. Big, high detailed, higher effort pieces get placed first and sketchier uncolored stuff gets put at the end.
This is just my 'tism but as much as practical, I like to also like to group them up by subject if I can too. Here's my gallery for another site of mine so you can see what I mean [https://keltokel.neocities.org/gallery.html].
i dont mind art not being chronological, put at the same time would like to be able to easily see if its gotten updated/ which ones are the newest ones.
I'm also trying to design my art page and I at least know I like when i can see alot of the art at once in their original aspect ratios and easily browse through (like the hover over to see full image design) rather than clicking and opening each one to see it fully.
I kind of do prefer chronological, in way. I suppose it's just because it makes it easier to look back and find an artist's earlier work. So, it's not only easy for the viewer but the artist I believe, if looking back and/or finding their earlier work is something you often do. :0c
thanks for the input, folks! n_n i may try something similar to what dinny suggested with the added feature of hovering over a thumbnail to see the full design. but i know a bit of work is going into that (i hate making thumbnails) so it may not be for a while.