☆oudkee's corner☆

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oudkee 7 months ago

im so indecisive on my main page music AH

if ur building ur site feel free to steal my code btw. good luck making it work lmao but maybe at least don't steal code from people that DON'T want it stolen
oudkee 7 months ago

yes i coded everything myself including all my various shrine layouts. yes i put hundreds of hours into it all. BUT i know it looks good so if u wanna rip it off feel free

oudkee 7 months ago

like as long as you don't post my drawings without credit i cant bring myself to care enough

should i work on a ds9 dominion shrine or a pokemon vietnamese crystal information page. how are we feeling tonight
oudkee 7 months ago

deleted my pokemon webring because i just don't care lmao. im a bad girl. sorry to everyone that signed up i just didnt have the mental power to keep up with it

cyberneticdryad 7 months ago

I'm sorry to see it go, but you gotta take care of you first. Thanks for the time it did exist tho!

bad news i kept checking the gear station webring like wow they hadnt updated it in a while. i forgot it was mine OOPS now im too embarrassed to get back to updating it................

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Last updated 2 days ago
CreatedJun 16, 2022
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