Mike Grindle's Webpage

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nohappynonsense 5 months ago

jeez, fine, i'll keep my site

nohappynonsense 5 months ago

great article as always, grindle

mikegrindle 5 months ago

don't make me write one of those web manifestos, Mr. V ;-) cheers, Mike.

I liked My One Big Text File very much but I kind of have some issues like as being bilingual or might a Trilingual, I think I should have 2 separated files in that case.
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mikegrindle 5 months ago

Thanks! That's a fun problem to have. I think go with whatever feels easiest to you.

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kph 5 months ago

If nothing else, this got me to pick up an old messy draft and get it good enough to post. I've been wanting to get back into blogging but keep starting never finishing. So thanks for the poke.

mikegrindle 5 months ago

I felt a bit off about posting such a meta piece, but now I'm glad I did :-)

kph 5 months ago

Fun read! A more intentional take on something I've done for years: when I have a lot of stuff to do or need to take notes very quickly, I will forsake any actual note system I have to open up notepad and just start typing. There really isn't anything else with so little friction. I have lost information from forgetting to save, so I've started trying to copy things to named .md files in obsidian ASAP, though.

nohappynonsense 5 months ago

OBTF life is the only life for me

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mikegrindle 5 months ago

Thanks KPH. Yeah, for me it was just about combining that kind of immediacy with some of the benefits that come with PKM. I'm sure the more complex systems work wonders for many, but they didn't do much for me.

mikegrindle 5 months ago

Glad to have you onbord the OBTF hype train, Mike.

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getoffmylawn 5 months ago

This was a great read and I'm going to research how to add tags to my text file. I've tried before without adding tags before and search was difficult. I would love to find an example online to help.

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nohappynonsense 5 months ago

@getoffmylawn you can just write the tags in using your own nomenclature or system. I use something like [STORY IDEA] as a tag and then i can just ctrl+f for that and find those tags. You can do this for dates, keywords, tags, anything. The search function is extremely powerful, most folks just underutilize it

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mikegrindle 5 months ago

Thanks, @getoffmylawn. I might do a follow-up with some examples since there seems to be a surprising amount of interest. But essentially, I just use the '@' sign as a "tag". Some people use colons, caps, hastags, brackets etc.

Thank you for the follow. Reading your writing has been really exciting!
New post - Blogs as Modern Commonplace Books:
offlinemagazine 6 months ago

Great post! And I completely agree, I created my website with the exact same idea in mind.

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swiftred 6 months ago

Oh!! I’m excited to read this

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mikegrindle 6 months ago

hope you enjoyed the read, swiftred

swiftred 6 months ago

I truly did!

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New post about OS's built for the end times. But really it's all just good fun (hopefully):
kaa 6 months ago

Good eye. Dusk OS has been under heavy development for the past few months. The mailing list is very active. Virgil Dupras has recently put in a lot of effort in improving the emulation layer. The makefile in the root directory now works with no frills. Regardless of any theories of impending catastrophe, I think Dusk OS in particular is a marvelous project. It's the first real shot at a Forth Operating System.

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mikegrindle 6 months ago

Thanks! I noticed there was a lot of sensationalized stuff out there on these systems. Articles either made the developer look like a loon or made-out that the system was built for nuclear apocalypse. So I wanted to offer a more no-frills, down-to-earth analysis. Happy to see the project is still moving forward.

sorbier 6 months ago

!!! i just posted an essay about writing to think. william zinsser also has a whole book about writing to learn

sorbier 6 months ago

also, relatedly, i came across this verbalisation recently, which has stayed with me β€œPaper is like a mirror: it lets you hear the very voice of your soul, and it forces you to confront that.” (

mikegrindle 6 months ago

It's basically been my writing philosophy for the last year or so and I think it has served me pretty well. I love that quote. Thanks for the link and will be sure to check out your new piece on the subject!

Loved your blog, specially the permacomputing text.
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Fixing up some site code which, as always, means there's a slight chance I break everything
lwgrs 8 months ago

This is the way.

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