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was doing even MORE research on abigale (im bored), turns out they've been banned from MULTIPLE sites for racism, rape/suicide threats, harassment, ect. they're a disgusting person. even managed to get banned from imgflip. IMGFLIP 😭
graybox 1 month ago

a group of people on fandom already partially doxxed her too, so the whole situation isn't her first rodeo, and it most likely won't be her last.

graybox 1 month ago

should probably mention that i don't condone harassment (unless it's lighthearted and humourous), but the consequences of being a dumbass on the internet are very real and it isn't my job to prevent that...

graybox 1 month ago

she was also doxxed by a couple of imgflip users. being such an ass to people that you get commenters on a image editing site is just crazy, man

graybox 1 month ago

oh, she's also listed in the wiki for having "the most unique-reason bans on the site"... now THATS just cray-cray

yeagh 1 month ago

oh so this isn't a one time thing? okay she's genuinely crazy. that's fucking awful lol why rape threats

yeagh 1 month ago

also SCRATCH?? how do you even get banned from that

chipsfunfun 1 month ago

DUDE... are we all seeing this shit??

graybox 1 month ago

literally just searching "abigblueworld" gives you proof of all of this horrible shit that she's done lmao. the fact that she's googleable in the first place should be a red flag 😭

caught my cat stuffing his fat face into the bag of food. called him a "fatty mc. biggerson" and now he wont talk to me. what a bitch!
graybox 1 month ago

okay guys, update: he walked up to me and said - in a really scary voice - "if you ever call me that again, me and my homeboys will eat your fucking corpse!", then demanded i put all the treats in the duffle bag... im scared guys. did i accidentally stumble into gang conflict?

rbuchanan 1 month ago

lol your meds

1 like
my head hurts... grah
graybox 1 month ago

@snipchu i didn't dox them? nor did i harass them? they blocked me very early on... really all i was doing was replying to other's posts and being kind of an ass. there's a .zip with all the screenshots!

snipchu 1 month ago

holy hell there's a whole iceberg about this.... i fully take back everything i have said. deepest apologies to you

dc-blog 1 month ago

"I don't care, I didn't put my personal information on that account anyway! xD" LMAO not even a personal email? I'm surprised there was a 'dox' at all tbh, rarely do neotards actually not sperg over nothing. "harassment and you're Ableist about me." so she can say nigger but we're not allowed to be ableist? L. Its funny when people say "don't dox me" then post ALL of their goddamn info online.

graybox 1 month ago

@dc-blog ikr.. like if youre gonna have what is basically your full government ID out on the internet, at least TRY to not be ABigBlueDummy and go around poking the trolls with a slur-shaped stick

dc-blog 1 month ago

I'm probably easily doxxable, although only because I've been absolute shit at OPSEC over the years. I've noticed how easy it is to avoid doxxing. And we still don't have a real-name I'm pretty sure unless I skipped over it by accident. Not even full-face, just parts. I will note that even if you got my dox, you wouldn't find shit on me as I'm pretty much a ghost, though you'd probably find family with little issue.

dc-blog 1 month ago

It being so easy to find family with just one dox, in part due to their own shitty decisions, is why I'm much more afraid of getting doxxed. But otherwise, I already know I'm practically useless to dox. Oh no, you found that I live in the United States and my name is whatever, who cares XD you can't steal my non-existant land + house.

graybox 1 month ago

@dc-blog no literally, i have a history of having HORRIBLE opsec and ive only recently have started to do anything about it. my method is to just make all of it public so when you do eventually get doxxed, you can just pull a "oh yeah, thats common knowledge LOL"

dc-blog 1 month ago

@graybox based. In my case, if I get doxxed, I just won't care as long as family wouldn't get doxxed. I have no active-social media under any username and my entire family knows I hate it, so something will be off from the moment an account is even thought about being created under my name. Also, you can't really harass me either because again, lack of social media, but also I live in the middle of nowhere.

dc-blog 1 month ago

Worst case scenario, you'd fuck around and find out (get your body fed to pigs).

dc-blog 1 month ago

In all seriousness though (since i lack pig-farm anyways and dont like the effort): You legitimately have no power against me if you just attack me. But the moment you attack innocents, you do worse than I ever would've done even in the worst case scenario uwu.

arandomsite 1 month ago

damn yall actually face revealed her

pnnamerica 1 month ago

If I get doxxed I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

gonna finish site layout, then grind on minecraft, then get high, then put on my comfy hello kitty PJs, then boil some water, then eat some ァッポロ一η•ͺ, then watch a movie, then go to sleep
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graybox 1 month ago

day in the life of a jax...

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graybox 1 month ago

then tomorrow ill wake up, find a cute outfit, go to school, drool over my crush, vape in the stall with all the scene kids, eat a lunchable, yell at my teachers, go home, pet my cat, and ref. above

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chaoticdreamz 1 month ago

Why are you litterally me...

graybox 1 month ago

@chaoticdreamz great minds think alike... or something like that

grid is hard. flexbox better. fight me.
Email me, is my address (ive got something to send u)
graybox 1 month ago

hmm... interesting... okay!

blue is CONFIRMED to be white and blue-eyed. doesn't help their situation
abigblueworld 1 month ago

I know that. But will you please, and I beg you to take the down? Have mercy??? 🌠

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dc-blog 1 month ago

@abigblueworld im pretty sure graybox doesnt own or lmao

abigblueworld 1 month ago

Doesn't matter they made the post

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dc-blog 1 month ago

@abigblueworld does soyjak even allow deleting posts? they probably do, but depending on how the chan-board works they may not be able to delete it if there even is anything and ur not just sperging out here

awh blue stopped responding... i wanted to see how long i could lead them on for :-(
nyaaaan nyan nyaaaaaan
chaoticdreamz 1 month ago

nyaaannaayayayayahnn nyyyyaaaaaaann


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