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what do yall' think of a social network specifically for neocities users? i've had some old code lying around that i used for a old social networking project of mine and i was thinking of repurposing it for neocities. and before anyone says anything about the neocities limitations about php and such; i'm not using php, i'm using a REST api that interfaces back and fourth with a node.js server (like a tunnel, i guess)
graybox 2 years ago

i probably wont follow through with this idea if no one is interested since i have other stuff i'm working on.

chipsfunfun 2 years ago


i just uploaded as many buttons as i could to my site (im still waiting for some more)!! thanks for all the follows, yall'!
thx for the follow, your site was really fun to navigate through!!! :D
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yardonthirdstreet 2 years ago

of course! i enjoy the visitor controls on yours, excited to see it unfold :•)

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i love ur site! i love the design btw. ik its a work in progress but i'd love to see where it leads too!
graybox 2 years ago

Thanks!! :} I didn't really think much about the design since I was planning to "modernize" it at some point (look at my past designs, if possible), but I've kinda warmed up to this more web 2.0-ish design and i'll probably keep it!

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Thanks for the follow!! Ill add your button to my site ASAP!!
graybox 2 years ago

Looks like your button is either not uploaded to your Neocities site or they just wont load..!?!

misanthrope 2 years ago

omg ty for the followback !! <3

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misanthrope 2 years ago

@ graybox oh that's weird, they are on my site on the mutuals section! i can share you the links if you want !!

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misanthrope 2 years ago

also, i'll add your button to my site too !! <3

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graybox 2 years ago

ive checked your mutuals section and your buttons have turned into   escape codes.. if you can, please give me the image links!! :)

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misanthrope 2 years ago

@graybox ok i'll give you the links !!

I'm not sure if you noticed yet, but you still have my old button from my previous site ( and many other deleted/moved sites still on your homepage. If you'd like, I could give you a list of those or a fixed HTML snippet! :D
dokodemo 2 years ago

oh yeah i havent updated my buttons in ages. that would be appreciated though! :) thank you

graybox 2 years ago

alright!! ill get you a fixed marquee ASAP!!

graybox 2 years ago

here you go, most of it was just switching out old domains for new ones since some people bought custom domains or switched sites:

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turns out i had a bit of motivation today and added some ("some" would be a overstatement) content to my site! I decided to switch from using CSS3 grid to the CSS2 column. :)
Cool site!! I really like the whole Windows 95-esque design!!

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Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedSep 26, 2021
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