definitely seems like there's an alternate part of reality that deals in psychic powers
@siqu feels like it, of course no hard evidence can be found though. @kaiotakes no, but i have had an out-of-body experience in which i was projected above the vehicle i was in.
Wow...You too huh? I can identify with a lot of this, though personal details differ of course...Dink Smallwood was my jam back then too. Poor Quackers. Haha! My GATE classes mainly consisted of making us draw pictures after being given somewhat vague prompts. No Zener cards, but a few Rorschach blots and "hearing tests" iirc.
As for your conclusion, is probably needless to say that I agree...There are other avenues of "recruitment" (i.e.: New Age "Indigo children" type camps), and it is worldwide in scope (e.g.: the work of Vyacheslav Bronnikov in Russia)...because spirits do not necessarily operate according to human borders...
I went back and read Psychic Reality...I see that you are already aware of that project...There have been many attempts to build a physical Mental Omega Device, a kind of "matrix" formed by distorting the noosphere, but the plans have failed because there is a greater power preventing it...
There is so much that I would like to share, but I will just send this for now, particularly what's in the drop-down "spoiler":
every incursion on your life requires that you consent to it somehow... even by force (death is always an option).
Exactly. This is why it is important to say, "I opt out." In so doing, you are released from subconscious control of the death machine that invisibly, psychically girds the Earth...A Mental Omega Device may not exist physically, but it exists spiritually. That is what is driving the repeated attempts at its manifestation. Steadfast virtue is a protective influence. Perfection of virtue is eternal life.
if I was born at 8 months of pregnancy does it technically mean I was rushing to get into the world?
my father wouldnt shut up about that "indigo children" thing. weird to see it being mentioned somewhere else
@mihaigolanul or u are a holy bodhisattva who enthusiastically chose to reincarnate in this hell realm out of compassion for the rest of us
Not sure how you were able to guess that from anything other than my Kafka-related outlink, but you're on the mark ! I'm pleasantly surprised!!!!
Otis might look like a schizophrenic, but his idea of each day being four days existing simultaneously is actually pretty clever. At such a fine resolution, it looks like gibberish. At a larger time scale it makes perfect sense. [1 of 4]
In other words, the various "Ages of Man" are actually contemporaneous and an individual chooses what "Age" they are living in within each moment. This is similar to how multiple, seemingly distinct locations can be superimposed upon one another within the same four-dimensional space. [2 of 4]
An individual's timeline is built up of a series of successive choices. Therefore, while eternal recurrence is indeed happening, the path that you carve out within the repetition of those cycles is wholly unique to you. Time is a construct that allows things to "change," and thus be differentiated from one another. [3 of 4]
...So, how do you make something eternal amidst seemingly constant "change"? You repeat it forever. What will you choose to repeat forever? [4 of 4]
@omnipresence - My apologies. Our communications seemed to have mixed together...But with a name like that, I also find great amusement in the synchronicity. Kairos!
@letslearntogether I did not even remember Otis's "Time Cube" though I did vaguely remember seeing it as a child. This entire piece just came to me as if it was a transmission to my brain. even the Nietzschean eternal recurrence at the end was more an artifact of "I don't want to make a proper ending".
@omnipresence three.js + rapier for physics, but no engine to speak of, not even an entity-component system in fact. just rawdogging it. Terry A Davis coded entire games in HolyC with less code.
i added a pixel shader, clamped aiming boundaries, and optimized how particles were spawned so there should be no more lag after firing.
after enough time living in it, it's hard to see how it could be any other way (ยด๏ฝฅฯ๏ฝฅ`) a reflection of human nature more than anything else. magnasanti is neat, surpasses mr bones wild ride
it's time to bend the knee to vscode if u dont want to edit config files (why i gave up emacs) ใฝ(ยดใผ๏ฝ)ใ
I watch the eruption of thin idols reaching towards the heavens! All in praise of spirits of invisible words!
Fuck dead internet theory demon internet theory is where it's at.
funny enough, talking to AI demons through the medium is also like talking to rocks...
silicon-based technology is some very advanced rock-carving