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I tried but the 3rd wave guys r 2 hrd for my pea brain...
which ones, the greys? try to max armor first and then pickup one weapon
so i was able to get the heart but... idk how i can handle whats after tbqh (ยด๏ฝฅฯ๏ฝฅ`)
max armor + get railgun and berserk = ez
I imagine the controls are a part of the game design which made the challenge fun imo ใฝ(ยดใผ๏ฝ)ใ my WoW brain is too used to the camera "following" the character. In contrast, if the character is facing right then A or D makes the character go "up" or "down" on the screen which was hard 4 me 2 follow, so I basically made sure to never turn the character too much
ya.. the controls are intended to be like a first-person shooter, but you're playing from a third-person perspective. part of the challenge is to move just as the NPCs do.