The Cidoku Network

178 updates
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Thank you for following me. You have an intriguing site there!
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nymphblood 1 month ago

Thank you, you do as well!

1 like
I really like your site. It's very stylish; I always enjoy a limited color palette.
capstasher 1 month ago

Thank you my friend! I greatly enjoyed your site as well! loved exploring the various flash animations you have. I love that Ruffle keeps this medium alive

1 like
cidoku 1 month ago

@capstasher Hell yeah! I'll add you to my links page later today. Cheers!

1 like
cidoku 1 month ago

@capstasher There. I linked to you.

1 like
capstasher 1 month ago

@cidoku Hey man! Finally got around to adding your button under my mutuals section as well!

A particular problem I have with webrings is that more often than not the widgets require javascript. I'm not using javascript just for a button...
lhfm 1 month ago

Unfortunately that's the easiest way to get one up and running if you just have a static site host like Neocities.

1 like
mr-pibbs-site 1 month ago

in the past webrings were just linked directly between members using HTML, but with these new ones that are open admission, you can't coordinate like that reliably

1 like
Hi! I just saw your site and the splash image map is broken, making your stuff inaccessible in at least some browsers. You need to change map name="#kekeramap" to map name="kekeramap". Cheers and nice witches!
mahogare 1 month ago

Hello, thanks for letting me know the issue. I never made a site before so some things may be buggy.

1 like
Four colors are fun!
1 like

Website Stats

Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedFeb 19, 2022
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flash art music links blog