OokamiBit_9x - Home

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Strawberry Mt.Dew -> OokamiBit_9x; Currently working on the site offline and old fashioned with pen and paper. Renaming it to fit interests better. Can't really fit everything in the name but for the most part, I can get the idea of being unique in there.
currently in the process of getting a PC to access the site with and edit it. Starting a new job really helps with that. I guess most of my activity is on places like Pillowfort and DreamWidth. same handle on Pillowfort, DreamWidth is under juliewolffang64 - and Gboard is finicky as always as I mispress the enter key...
hello! thanks for following my website!
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ookamij64 7 months ago

You're very welcome! I got interested just by the Sonic theme alone. Thank you for the follow back! ☺️

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I swore I haven't forgotten the site... Just been busy and haven't been able to update it because I'm unable to access a PC to really do much. Trying to do it on Mobile phone is painful...

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedOct 28, 2023
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