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\(^ヮ^)/ for the first time in a long while.. A (kinda) big Aioi update! A fanlisting marquee was added to the index, and the navigation bar was truncated (THANK GOD.. i just get stressed setting up so many expectations for myself!! We'll cross that bridge when we get there...). What else is new.. the Jukebox is available on the navigation tab! It's still a wip, but now you can access it.. enjoy!
aioi 3 months ago

I think that navigation bar was holding me back.. psychologically.. it was so long and it made me subconciously think of it more like a chores list. But no more! I guillotined it

lurret 3 months ago

peak!! the jukebox is really nice

I LOVE OLD CN!!! thanks for doing this!!!!!!
retrocn 3 months ago

No prob, Bob. Might gradually update this site to have a better Classic CN experience.

I was like "why didn't I finish my fanlisting widget? it seems super easy to finish. σ( ̄、 ̄〃)" and then i realized 2 hours later that it's because I justk eep joining new ones impulsively. cut that out.
aioi 3 months ago

Ok it wasnt that hard I just locked in

i keep seeing you @ the recent member spot on so many of the fanlistings i've been joining, plus the lesbiering too LOL!!! very glad all of the signs led me to your site because i'm amazed at the amount of whimsy and swagger contained in it ^__^
aioi 3 months ago

THAT’S EQUAL PARTS HILARIOUS AND EMBARRASSING?!!? Thanks for reminding me I SO need to crack at my fanlisting widget!!! i’m glad you made your way here too, you seem super cool!!!!

new blog post.. ( ̄ω ̄ ) enjoy it! Or feel ambivalent about it. or be critical of it. i dunno. i'll be happy if you read it.
makoenergy 3 months ago

it would be really cool to see you blog in japanese! i need to immerse myself more too 私の日本語はまだまだです ;(

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aioi 3 months ago

LOL, i make lots of errors but that’s encouraging! Maybe someday.. けどいつでも一緒に練習できる!

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hey.. have you followed my tumblr yet? ( ¯⌓¯ ) because I forgot if I posted it. it’s wiimotion! let’s be mutuals.. i’m posting lots of art and photography!
Selamat pagi! I love so much your web page. ^_^
THIS SITE GOES SO HARD!! the 2010s aesthetic is the bestttt
aioi 3 months ago

THANK YOU KINDLY! I eat, sleep, and breathe it!!!!! (´ ∀ ` *)

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CreatedDec 9, 2023
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nichijou pokemon anime nintendo ds