The Clock Tower

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federiefederi 1 month ago

Hi, please consider supporting our neocities community project by giving us a follow... we're trying to help smaller sites gain more reach and your support would help a lot! thank you ❤

Hey, I love your website
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theclocktower 2 months ago

Thanks, I'm not too fond of it myself, lol. Hopefully, future work on my part will make it better

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theclocktower 2 months ago

Your's looks good too, as early in development as it is

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crimsonlynx 2 months ago

Yes, currently learning html and css

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theclocktower 2 months ago

I can't say I'm learning anything lol, it's more just copy and pasting stuff of websites and then copy and pasting what I've already copied and pasted. I understand none of it really haha

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crimsonlynx 2 months ago

I do the same thing but must templates that I find aren't what I'm looking for so I'm doing everthing from scratch

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Last updated 3 days ago
CreatedNov 10, 2022
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