1,187 updates
0 tips
Alright, is there anything you think I could add to the page? I really like it as is (code-aside) but I want to know what do ya peeps think. (Currently no translation plans since there ain't a third language I know I can translate this page to.)
1 like
¡El sitio ha sido completamente traducido al español! Espero que esto ayude un poco con su accesibilidad. / Site has been fully translated to Spanish! Hoping it helps a little with accesibility.
probs one of my favorite sites from way before I've made an account. great work here!
looks pretty neat so far!
1 like
rpgfan54 1 year ago

thank u!

Small Update: Found an alternative to 123 that I like somewhat (that being smartgb) so, now this site got a guestbook!
1 like
After so long. The site has finally been reopened! Now having an entirely new redesign, thanks for your patience everyone!
1 like
CLOSED. was updated.
2 years ago
Good news! The mockups for the redesign are actually complete! I do however want to make a more complete version until I start actually coding, been busy with other projects as well.
CLOSED. was updated.
2 years ago
CLOSED. was updated.
2 years ago

Website Stats

Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedSep 30, 2020
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art videogames personal fun