238 updates
0 tips
Last post for a bit. For anyone who has a blog section on their page, what is the easist solution to impliment one on a static hosting site such as Neocities? I don't want to rely too much on external sites, but I will if I need to B^]
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neogeist 2 days ago

I'm planning for my blog to be a pretty central part of my site, but I've been struggling on ways to actually make it in a way that isn't tedious for me. I don't want a huge mess of HTML files, go back and edit them tediously if I decide to make layout changes, etc.

gildedware 2 days ago

I used zonelets previously! (i've since switched to doing everything by hand but not due to any fault with zonelets itself)

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Fellow followers, are you a Linux user >_>? If so, what distro do you use? I personally use Debian (Cinnamon DE because KDE has been buggy for me for some reason).
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neogeist 2 days ago

I might use Arch again though... I miss using the AUR. Both Debian and Arch have their own strong suits for sure. I enjoy stability but I don't really enjoy the apt package manager / flatpak all too much. It's hard for me to decide to stick with one.

neogeist 2 days ago

(Also... I don't want to move because I am lazy <:D yes, I have everything in my home folder but still <:D)

k-cottonears 2 days ago

Arch Linux, but I am thinking about switching because I'm not a fan with how packages are never split. (V4L2 to install ffmpeg, Avahi GUI Browsers, and Qt Assistant for KDE tools, seriously?) I've considered maybe trying out Nix OS.

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I am redesigning this website again in its entirety and it will be up... I actually don't know when. The current filesystem is an absolute mess and I'm not really happy with the design of how it is currently. I am getting better at CSS / html though so that's a plus. I think this new site redesign is 1000x better-- trying out a lot of new things.
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neogeist 2 days ago

I am also fiddling with JS a bit which is something I haven't really done up to this point. Neat. Though I literally don't know anything.

neogeist 2 days ago

I decided to put off the wiki idea for now, and I'm probably going to use a tool like tiddlywiki instead and host it on here. I've been kind of creatively unmotivated for the past while which is why I haven't really done much OC / art stuff as of late. I've been mostly making music, photo editing, and conceptualizing UI/UX designs.

k-cottonears 2 days ago

When you feel like your competent enough with CSS, I highly recommend learning SASS: I also recommend making a CSS style guideline, kinda like this in a text file:

neogeist 2 days ago

I am using SASS currently, actually! Very useful, but I have not done the second thing you mentioned (though I have done similar-ish things in the past). Thanks a bunch for the suggestions B]

Hello there! I just have a quick question regarding the tabs code from this page: How do I change the default tab that shows up on page load? I'm not very good at JS so I can't really tell what I should change '>_> it's always showing up the content in the second tab by default. Thanks! (Also btw, thank you for these resources! They are insanely helpful.)
Hey! I really like your website! :D its very simple but the overall layout is very nice to look at. I also really enjoy your art. I never played patapon but the art style is such a huge inspiration for me-- it's just OOZING with charm.
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beetleton 2 weeks ago

oh my goodness thank you!!!! i appreciate any sort of comment. i honestly prefer having a more simple layout, easier to figure code out + also easier for others

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beetleton 2 weeks ago

also yes patapon has such an incredible artstyle! i recommend checking out rolitolands stuff, the artist that the patapons came from. (and thank you about the art, i still really need to update my art gallery haha)

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God, there has to be a better way of going about uploading files on here... I reupload this site in its entirety everytime I update it, but it's extremely tedious. Does anyone know a better way, lol?
pinkderg 2 weeks ago

I use both rclone and the neocities cli in a batch file to sync my site. first rclone excluding html files, then rclone including html (so the page preview is correct). Then the (really slow) neocities cli to sync any missed items as webdav doesn't show modified date, rclone can only compare file size through webdav

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k-cottonears 1 week ago

TW: technical jargon. Every time I compile my website, it creates a "build/" folder. I use Neocities' command line tool and run "neocities push build/" in the terminal to upload the new updates website. It's still the entire website, but I don't have to manually log in and drag n' drop stuff.

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neogeist 2 weeks ago

The biggest change for this update is the art page-- made the content an iframe instead. The gallery takes up so much HTML, at least in its current state, so seperating those two things will be a smoother experience for me.

neogeist 2 weeks ago

Everything else is kind of minor though.

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neogeist 2 weeks ago

PS: There will be a new site update soon, hopefully. I'm mostly just tweaking stuff so navigation is a bit easier. My focus has been mostly on making a wiki relating to my OCs at the moment, so it might be a while until anything big comes around. Cheers everyone! For all of my American followers, hope you all enjoy the eclipse this coming Monday.

Released a new song on NG! Check it:
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kitmeow 3 weeks ago

Sounds very nice! The tempo shifts were pretty interesting.,

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Thank you for your work. I've been meaning to actually work on my world / OC information but I've been just dreading doing it just because I just have so many OCs and I didn't even know where to begin (my ADHD was repulsed). This is GREAT jumping off point for me. Thank you again.
oc-hub-template 1 week ago

OH DAMN i forgot neocities doesn't really. send notifications for comments so just saw this. fuck yeah you got this!!!! :3

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CreatedAug 10, 2022
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art furry ocs rainbow random