1,187 updates
0 tips
yoooooooooo my site button is here!!! thank you so much! your site is looking pretty dang good already, so great job with that.
1 like
cosmic-kiko 1 year ago

Thank you ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ Your website is also really cool! I love the language feature, that's some dedication :0 and your pixel art is really good!!

1 like
Got plans to do a small site overhaul, just to make it a lil better and easier to navigate as well. (as well as a bit easier for me to write stuff like blogs because working with my current filesystem scares me.)
hey guys im bored i wanna make a blog on sunsoft or smth i like their nes games a lot lol. (if you dont know what games theyve made, they have made Blaster Master, Gimmick, Journey to Sillius and some of the best games on the nes)
Chrono Trigger is a pretty cool game. (been a month since ive finished it but idc i like the game and i wanna write a blog about it.)
1 like
CLOSED. was updated.
1 year ago
tricksterhat 1 year ago

Just an extremely small update because I haven't been doing much well. Got plans on doing a small site refactor.

haven't updated in two weeks... oops. forgot about that... let's fix that a small bit.
holy carp a million views, congrats!
Holy carp 7,000 views.
1 like
good site :)
this is an extremely well built re-creation of trollian, fantastic job here!
1 like
vasterror 1 year ago

thank you!! :)

Website Stats

Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedSep 30, 2020
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art videogames personal fun