Tovera Chronicles - Tales of Miracles and Men

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Hey! I have an itch page now, and my personal site will act as a devlog too. To avoid using the dashboard so much, it's best to slap updates and stuff elsewhere. News will be posted on the front page, but it'll be vague stuff like, "X days until release" or showing off people who made music, helped with sprites etc etc.
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capaxinfiniti 1 year ago

what’ll the vn be made with? i’m taking video game writing courses rn so maybe if i learn something useful it could help?

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tovera-chronicles 1 year ago

Oh, I'm using Ren'Py! A hood classic. If you have any tips, I'd love to hear them :]

Oh, my reply was buried between the updates to the site-I really need a chat function instead of using the dashboard, oops. Anyways, reply to @ keltokel about a VN angle:
tovera-chronicles 1 year ago

Yeah-I was thinking my dialogue is my strongest writing point, and I'm a stronger visual storyteller than anything else, so why not try it? I am worried about funding music, but I can easily save up for that and use royalty free stuff to make the prologue.

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tovera-chronicles 1 year ago

Last reply was deleted by a network blip-the plan for music for now is doujin artists for stronger/music cohesion, and royalty free stuff to round out more unimportant scenes. This being said, if anyone following me is a world/jazz/VGM musician, feel free to email me your portfolios and prices @! I'd love to support all kinds of artists on neo, not just writers lol.

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capaxinfiniti 1 year ago

since tc is long form you could also release a vn for each major part of the story to further gain support along the way, like make it a whole series until you have the equivalent to a final fantasy’s worth of games XD

tovera-chronicles 1 year ago

That's a great idea actually-I'd like to merge a bunch of arcs into each game, but honestly the slowburn nature of the story might make it an exhausting play if I did that. For now, the plan is to make the prologue in VN form separate from the rest, and see if that alone is ridiculous in length before I make it one big monster VN or cut it up. It's looking like it has to be cut up going by my drafts lol

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keltokel 1 year ago

Chaptered releases are also a great idea. The way I see it when it comes to VNs, you can be very intentional about what scenes you want to illustrate out in full. A comic forces you to draw out loads of minutiate since you have to panel out every single little thought and action. For a single-person project that's a huge ask.

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tovera-chronicles 1 year ago

That's exactly it-I found that while I was FINALLY getting the hang of how I wanted the comic to look, it took so much brainpower and time and composition knowledge that I burnt out. FAST. With a VN, all you gotta do is draw a few pretty bgs, a few pretty cgs, and do character sprites-which IS a lot of work, especially if all sprites are different (ex. Kid Icarus Uprising), but that's still less work than a comic.

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Hi hi! Tovera in general is going on hiatus as I make a new index and again debate what I want it to be. Comics is a high spoons thing that I don't think I can keep up without help :/ but I am looking at a visual novel that's embedded into the webpage! Or something. Lol. Chapter 4 of Kamikakushi is not edited, but everything before it is. See you! <3
tovera-chronicles 1 year ago

Happy very very belated birthday to my horrid (affectionate) creation that doesn't know what it wants to be <3

keltokel 1 year ago

Visual novel is an excellent idea, I think it's a good way to convey the fusion of like, written and visual content without committing yourself to the enormous task of a comic.

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tovera-chronicles 1 year ago

Yeah-I was thinking my dialogue is my strongest writing point, and I'm a stronger visual storyteller than anything else, so why not try it? I am worried about funding music, but I can easily save up for that and use royalty free stuff to make the prologue.

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CreatedJun 11, 2022
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art writing worldbuilding ocs