I fixed the modals on the character and HWTF pages! SO sorry for the horrible cut off that was there for a while, it should be more multres friendly. I webdev on a kinda big screen and only saw how hard it was to view when I used my laptop!
I'm using SSSS and Namesake's info pages as a base: https://sssscomic.com/?id=about https://www.namesakecomic.com/comic/calliope-handbook-namesakes-page-1
Namesake's especially appeals to me...diegetic infobooks/pages sounds like a fun and less infodumpy way of communicating world concepts for sure. Especially one as chaotic as this one!
New character art is up! https://toverachronicles.com/TLGoTH/TLGoTH_Characters#Brownies
I might move dev logs here just so people know what's going on and they don't have to follow my other site or Tumblr for an inside looks at things. But for those who don't wanna go to a whole new site for the info: all ch.1 bgs are done, the "veil" versions included, and a demo might be released (up to the middle of ch.2) around the middle of this year just to give people something to chew on.