I was joking in the previous comment, but now I realise that I've been doing it wrong all along. This is a very useful tutorial.
Thanks. I like your writing too and I'm looking forward to going through your website. Though I'm a bit disappointed that your "Centring text" is not a guide on how to center text in css. I can never remember how to do that properly.
LOL! i will write a blog post about literally centring text. can i mention you in the post?
the pleasure is mine! you have a great site. I'm loving your essays on consumerism. I might link to some of them on one of the pages on my site, if that's OK?
it's my pleasure! I'm really enjoying your writing. I actually want to link to some of your essays on consumerism for my shopping page, if that's alright?
following through on my threat to write all my Needlessly Strong Opinions About Twilight as essays
just wanted to say i really enjoy your site design and the philosophy behind it