The Meerkat's Burrow

12,072 updates
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Finally found the time to make some neopets pages on my site! Been getting back into it a lot lately and I really wanted to have some pages dedicated (and to save some links for myself lol) :)
it's been a minute
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thanks a lot for your sweet comment, it meant a lot to me and i'm happy to hear you linked my cross stitch page =) have a great day!
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Love the aesthetic of your site! Makes me smile looking at it.
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owlroost 1 year ago

Oh, and your fursuit! First time seeing a meerkat suit and it WORKS.

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shwintykat 1 year ago

Thank you so much ;;;A;;;

OOoh I wanted to say this a while back but forgot! Thank ya'll for all the lovely comments on my guestbook lately, it makes me so happy that my site is giving off the vibes I was trying for! <3 <3 <3
I love your site so much, especially your sewing page!! I linked to it on my cross stitch page, if that's okay! I couldn't find your guestbook but I wanted to let you know that I enjoyed clicking through!!
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Website Stats

Last updated 4 days ago
CreatedOct 30, 2022
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personal furry cyberpets nostalgia unicorns