love is all around us

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d60010 3 weeks ago

I can relate to this so much. I keep having to remind myself that I'm not a bad person for standing up for myself.

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jevi 3 weeks ago

thank you for sharing your thoughts!! i hear you. the intention isn't to seem bad. i've learned that, when you are standing up for yourself, even if the person didn't mean to hurt you, it's always worth it to let them know you felt, honoring your boundaries. the ant on the story did that, but on her own insect way, haha.

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just released a song!!! it's called "rio". a high bpm, energetic rock song! i started learning the electric guitar, so everything is very dynamic. it's in my main <3
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new blog update! i talk a little bit about myself and new music
​​new update! even though it’s minimal, it has some really nice things. i learned how to make a responsive design for different screens, so it’ll look better on all devices. it has some design changes, a new guestbook and a blog page.
updating my website!!!! i borrowed my brother's acoustic guitar and recorded a demo! it's on soundcloud nd yt
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Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedOct 25, 2023
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music art artist brasil musician