The Meerkat's Burrow

8,616 updates
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you know you got problems when you're buying thrifted food choppers and coffee grinders to make soft foods for elderly rats (the problems are that I love them)
I have several ideas for new pages but not much free time that isn't spent on less brain-intensive things like silly crossover roleplay and adding small chunks to already existing pages. Frustrating, but I supposed a tiny update here and there is better than an entirely new page every six months, right? I blame my workplace for imploding
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divergentrays 1 month ago

I just found out about the Antique Patter Library a couple days ago - it's so cool!

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Also, I really need to get some photos of the four baby rats I got on the first of January for my rl pets page! I wasn't expecting them, but they've already grown so much. Their names are Onion, Peanut, Beans, and Allen
I dont *fully* understand how to implement loading="lazy", I assume I just add it into the img code, but Im trying to work on making some of my more image-heavy pages load more nicely!

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Last updated 23 hours ago
CreatedOct 30, 2022
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personal fantasy furry recipes cyberpets