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yeah like I can understand a quick blog post on something you don't like but to make a whole shrine dedicated to something you hate? that kind of defeats the whole purpose of a shrine I feel
people do that????
@lamnidae i think blog was the wrong word i used tbh! i meant like a full on site dedicated to something you hate lol a blog post is fine!
@funnyorangecat you'd be surprised honestly! like we're all here to have fun right? what's with the weird hate sites lmao
feels weird to make an entire shrine to hating something. like i know a lot of people are aiming for the y2k and 00s feel but there's some things we can leave in the past, especially if it's an interest dedicated to media or something. like there's things out there worth hating but most times it's not worth it to put the effort into that.
Agreed. The world has enough hating in it already.