if you seriously, genuinely, in your heart believe respectfully posting about visiting the kamloops residential school memorial is somehow "problematic" or that ignoring the person who somehow assumed his rat character was based on an obscure world war two era charicature was anything other than the correct decision, then you need to step back for a second
also making a 32 year old apologize for any of this is completely pointless, even if you believe it to be necessary. the only thing that it would actually make sense to apologize for would be the elliot rodgers manifesto, and youre a fool if you think he agrees with elliot on any level
im not reading or replying to any comments this gets in the interest of not perpetuating any drama of my own so if you disagree with me youll have to do it by yourself
yeah just about everything in that doc was an extreme stretch... and people are being so vile and for what :/
I do have to admit, the doc was very poorly made and feels rushed however minors do have a reason to voice their concerns since he does encourage minors to be apart of his community and calls his comic a shojo(which is a Japanese term to describe media aimed for teen girls and sometimes little girls). A person this severely mentally ill should not be encouraging minors to be in his community...
ranfren is not "marketed" or advertised. You have to go out of your way to find the about page calling it a shojo. I am so sorry you've never heard of jokes before
Minors in no way are justified in harrassing, doxing, hacking, trying to drag peoples names in the mud because they got personally offended over something. I get theres concerns but they shoulda been brought up when it happened instead of 10 years later. This callout culture is useful in some ways but these kids misuse it too much over stuff that doesnt matter. Its cartoon, its fiction, just dont read it.
imagine how twitter looked a week ago... its all so ugly too like what a bad look for this guy
guy got a google docs callout and while i don't have the guts to involve myself in internet drama anymore i think the response they've given so far is dissappinting cringe and also very fail
some sort of drama, i can't see what's going on because my school account can't see the google doc but judging from what everyone is saying it's pretty bad
long story short clau got outed as a racist and some other shit yet shows no signs of changing. if u take a look at their twitter u can see theyre being petty about doing an apology LOL. well theyre a 32 year old manchild so is it too surprising at this point
In Canada there is a law regarding television that 70% of the content has to be Canadian-made, so while we do get a lot of American shows and stuff now, a lot of weird and offbeat Canadian cartoons and such ended up being made back in the 90's and early 2000's.