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it got merged with the last update post but i added alt text to every non-decorative image that didn't already have it. normally that's not something i would push by itself but i just wanted to fix the site preview image
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pencilvoid 10 months ago

i have a solid guess at why it happened. i use the CLI to upload the site after Jekyll generates it; when i uploaded it yesterday i had reorganised the assets folder which included moving the stylesheet every page uses. my internet cut out while i was uploading so the HTML files (which were now asking for a stylesheet in a different place) got uploaded but the moved stylesheet didn't

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pencilvoid 10 months ago

which resulted in them referencing a stylesheet that doesn't exist and reverting to default styling. running the upload command again didn't fix this because index.html was already uploaded and i hadn't changed it before running it again, so this time i made a change that required every page to be regenerated

pencilvoid 10 months ago

that change being adding alt text to the sidebar. so yeah web dev is funny

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CreatedJun 22, 2018
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