East Athenaeum

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eastathenaeum 4 months ago

Light at the end of the tunnel. I've been hitting this hard the last few days.

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eastathenaeum 4 months ago

I'm sure. But I'd compartmentalized everything into a long list which is a lot shorter now, so I'm feeling pretty good about that.

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eastathenaeum 4 months ago

Internal hyperlinking trig. Pretty much done through it except a lot of little annoying stuff, there's a list. Differential geometry header removed because I only wanted to get so far as projection of one surface onto another, which can pretty much be covered anytime after vectors in the last two sections.

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daliwali 4 months ago

"independents who thought the government was literally the embodiment of evil" it's the perfect place for malignant narcissistic sociopaths to thrive.

eastathenaeum 4 months ago

I'm not so sure that was the case. The peddlers, yes, definitely. But prior to 2015, people got caught up in the phenomenal idea of being "awake/awakened," meaning they could "see" that spiritual warfare was going on in world politics under extraterrestrial influence.

xpaper 4 months ago

your frustrations with finding good, non-circular proofs for trig stuff is what inspired to start putting my own notes together. i have the hyperbolic stuff ready to go, just need to actually write it. and how i wish al gore didn't get cheesed out of 2000...

eastathenaeum 4 months ago

I've seen yours and can appreciate how you're directing it. I'm glad we're taking two different routes though so it doesn't appear one is ripping off the other. But it's also pretty great how we appear to be arriving at the same conclusion of their nature, that ellipses mirror hyperbolae (unit circle/hyperbola) in every way. Had they taught that in HS analytic geometry it would've made the class much more intuitive.

tawalinjamute 4 months ago

McCain was respectable?

eastathenaeum 4 months ago

Compared to most conservative Republicans, especially now, yes. He conducted himself well and didn't have a history. I didn't vote for him though.

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eastathenaeum 4 months ago

(Some) new neighbors added. I've been sick and overwhelmed for about a week.

zazilicious 4 months ago

aw I hope u feel better :( rest well, don't feel the need to update the website while sick!!

hubbardian 4 months ago

Take it easy. Get well soon!

asterion 4 months ago

No pressure. Come back when you're ready. We'll be here.

By the way, I like that you cover math and other technical subjects that are relatively rarer on Neocities. I'm a fan of math too myself. I love how math forms a kind of "language of concepts/possibilities" and how if you then combine that with computer programming then it becomes a kind of "language of magic" in a virtual context. There's also the various cool pop culture things on your site, of course. 😎
eastathenaeum 4 months ago

Pop culture?! Hey, wait a minute! Lol. But in all seriousness, thank you for approving of the math page. I know it is still severely lacking, and intend to make a blog post about why and other related history and rants.

zazilicious 4 months ago

I relate a lot to what you wrote here. I've written a bit about my frustrations with the lack of scientific literacy in America and western society at large, and I think its a really laudable goal to fight that illiteracy. Recent events pertaining to a certain election have hurt a lot, but I'm gonna keep writing no matter what. I think that's the best we can do.

eastathenaeum 4 months ago

Your comment is very appreciated, and please do continue writing. We both appreciate your sense of humor on your darker stories.

zazilicious 4 months ago

Thank you! I know not as many people read the essays that I write, but I also hope that they will in some way convince people to think about the world in a more scientific, empirical, and careful way

eastathenaeum 4 months ago

All we can do is pra-*cough* provide valuable insights. Lol

eastathenaeum 4 months ago

Blog page added and Exhibition display errors fixed

Thaks for following me. Gratias pro sequer me.
eastathenaeum 4 months ago

Thank you for mutually following.

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