
970 updates
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Wondering if I started a Discord server would anyone here be interested in it? Probably art-focused with some miscellenea channels... I wonder if it'd be possible to do something with slowmode to make it forum-esque so it'd be less of a headache to moderate since i'm pretty busy most days 'n can't be on 24/7. Or if someone has a better idea for this typa thing? Dunno.
hoppingtopping 5 months ago

Up for it, tell us when it happens!

1 like
Badgersaurus was updated.
5 months ago
badgersaurus 5 months ago

Concert journal and new art--minor suicide imagery TW for the art, I don't gotta system for an on-page content-warning yet. It's Persona 3 fanart if that helps.

badgersaurus 5 months ago

Man I have GOT to paginate the gallery shit is slow as molasses right now.

Badgersaurus was updated.
5 months ago
badgersaurus 5 months ago

New art and new playlists and an update on how things are going (very well!!).

1 like
Done all my diplomas, will update this weekend probably. Sorry for the extended radio silence!
Kickass site! When I was really early into planning mine I kinda wanted to go for something like this, I love the beachy vibes. Thanks for the link!
1 like
darusival 6 months ago

Aw thank you so much! It's basic but I'm glad it gets the beachy vibes across; I'm fond of the Web 1.0 look anyway haha. I really enjoyed the Nickleodeon-esque graphics on your site, and reading through your birdwatching journal!

1 like
Badgersaurus 2.0 recode is done. This beast has I-frames now and is gonna be a million times easier to do layout shifts with. Just gotta do some new graphics now. Do you guys think I should launch it when I have 2 'themes' done or just one and leave the theme-switcher 'til later?
orion-my-rion 6 months ago

theme switcher later is probably fine!

1 like
Badgersaurus was updated.
6 months ago
badgersaurus 6 months ago

Happy new years! My usual year-end address and thanks.

Merry Christmas and have a karkalicious 2009 everyone. <3
badgersaurus 7 months ago

Also your yearly reminder to listen to Fairytale of New York: RIP Shane Macgowan, he was so rad.

Badgersaurus was updated.
7 months ago
badgersaurus 7 months ago

Drew something. Computer fixed now. Social studies homework making me want to krill myself (for dad-reading-this-site-log purposes this is a joke). A good week.

sorry-no update this week again, computer troubles. my monitor is fucked. should be getting a new one/getting it fixed sometime this week.

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Last updated 3 days ago
CreatedMar 15, 2022
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personal art birding punkrock videogames