Wasongo's Gallery

2,923 updates
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where do you guys get your cool buttons??? and what’s the etiquette regarding use? can you just grab em to use on your own site w/o credit? i’ve seen an anti-nft button floating around some sites that i’d like to display too 👉👈
sakana 1 year ago

I don't know where people get them from these days since there's not really a culture around curating/sharing them anymore, but re: etiquette you can save and display any that you find. Like DeviantART stamps and blinkies, free use is encouraged.

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wasongo 1 year ago

Thank you for the reply!! Since I didn't see anyone linking to sources on them I thought they might be free to use but thought I would ask just in case.

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eggdev 1 year ago

I'm not sure if you've already seen this site but I really love this one: they also happen to link to the original sources (if they can find one) which is doubly helpful (: and like a prior user said: it's probably fine to use for self expression/on your own site

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wasongo 1 year ago

OH WOW! thanks for this link!! this is phenomenal.

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AH. i figured out why my site wasn't showing up in neocities search results and why i was not able to view any posts i made on my feed. the 18+ toggle on settings completely hides me from search results and there is no option to VIEW or search for +18 marked sites. i have unmarked myself as 18+ for the time being despite having nsfw art in my site at least until i see the feed issue resolved.
wasongo 1 year ago

Also until I see some ability to actually browse +18 marked sites?? This is rather unfortunate as I do want to be discovered. I'm gonna try to report the feed bug to neocities though and see if they reply. in the meantime i am considering moving my r18 works over to a new site and have an outgoing link there from my main site.

starcasita 1 year ago

Hey! I'm sorry to hear this has been going on :'0( I only recently learned of the +18 censorship on smut/nudity and am still shocked by it. ;; lots of artists/writers are pigeonholed into less and less sites bc of the restrictions and it's sad to see! if anything, here's to hoping you can get a response + more views! your art's a joy to see!

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wasongo 1 year ago

The thing is it says on the 18+ setting you'd be listed on a special browse page, but I don't see any opt-in toggle in the browsing page to allow for this? Unless I have somehow missed it. I'm very bummed by this because I do both sfw and nsfw art and I'd also like to be able to participate in community here and not be hidden with no way for other nsfw creators to find me.

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sakana 1 year ago

Yeah, good call, unfortunately the way it's structured isn't great. Another site of mine has a couple of NSFW art pieces on it but I haven't marked the entire site as 18+ for this reason. I have it so that someone browsing the gallery has to click through a thumbnail with a clear warning on it.

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thinking about how to go about making my site mobile friendly without losing pizzazz lmao
i think i should add the script to not load outside of iframe to my nsfw art pages so people don’t see cock on their feeds when i make updates on those lmao
Thank u sm for the kind messages and follow back! I've been a fan of yours since the early 2010s on tumblr, so this is rly flattering ;;w;;
wasongo 1 year ago

oh wow!! thanks for sticking around for so long!!

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love your site!!! love me some eggs
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eggdev 1 year ago

@wasongo oh man thank u sm!!!

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love the vibe on your site!!
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pocl 1 year ago

thank you ! :] :}


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CreatedFeb 6, 2022
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fanart dgrayman nsfw art anime