Wasongo's Gallery

2,923 updates
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Really love the art style you have, especially with the DGM characters.
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wasongo 1 year ago

thank you so much! it means a lot since i take a lot of liberties with headcanons about the characters

made some small cosmetic changes and added some more buttons. i hope people enjoy my new 404 page if you manage to come across it haha.
in reply to ur comment on the postcards thing - yee i was thinking that you like, take a postcard to a little page and you write about the site at the backside, like if you were describing the site to other who might wanna visit ><
wasongo 1 year ago

Yeah that'd be really great!! Cause what I do now is have a description next to a site button when I wanna inform people of what they'll find there hahaha. This reminds me of webgardens in a way! Which if you wanna check out

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slashdiv 1 year ago

oooh this looks neat!!

battling with code so things look ok on iOS devices is such a goddamn chore but I think I finally fixed everything that was broken. for some reason rotating an image 180 on Y makes it completely ignore z-index on iOS when it is fine otherwise. many hours lost but I came out victorious. ALSO after much hardship my site is finally mobile friendly!
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I have successfully migrated my nsfw pages over to a new site! You can still access the nsfw gallery from my site here, but you will no longer see any horny art updates on your feed if you decide to follow my profile. Lemme know if you find any broken images on the new gallery though~
sodium-amytal 1 year ago

aw, i wanted to follow that site for updates too 8(

wasongo 1 year ago

Oh HM. I turned off the profile for that one because I thought it'd be redundant for people to follow it since you sorta enter it from this site, but I suppose I could turn it on if ppl wanna follow that one too.

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Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedFeb 6, 2022
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fanart dgrayman nsfw art anime