thank you so much! I love the style of your site, and your collage work is fantastic
thank you so much!! (´;ω;`) that motivates me to finish the collages for the other rooms!
i um, don't use an editor >>; that's why i've updated my site over 9000 times LOL. if i end up finding a good one i'll let you know!
hahaha i see! i did that too until recently! i found neocities updated too slowly for me to build things quickly
thank you so much, i feel likewise! i love your OC page btw; the 4∀M character designs are striking, and your art style is so vibrant and charming<333
ah shoot nvm the static blog link expired of course lmao. i'll fix it soon, and add a guestbook as well
we now have a guestbook and chat! check it out via the brand new COMMUNITY tab in the navigation menu