minor correction - fixed the update log so it displays the proper date and time (previously displayed same date as prior update log)
might have to refresh chill zone page in order to reload the updated graphics. same for the linked furniture.
I'm in the same boat, no time for any substantial updates but definitely not giving up on the project at large. Your site is a glorious labyrinth of style and pizzaz, I look forward to seeing more added but what's added there is fantastic in the meantime.
thank you so much, that means more than i can say. i love your site and i hope we can both muster the creative energy we need soon!
Take your time!! There's no need to rush or force things, the beauty of personal sites is that you can build them at your own pace!
i wish you all the best!!! take care, your site will still be here whenever you're able to keep going with it [: there's nothing wrong with taking a break! i hope to see you again soon!
the only important update is the homepage; everything else i wanna add i'll do tomorrow (more buttons, filling out placeholders). it's just been tooo long since i've posted
the chatbox is from chatango; they have instructions for how to customise and embed it in your page.
don't stand in the part of the kitchen that overlaps. it destabilises the crossed dimensions