sol's home

3,197 updates
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sol's home was updated.
5 months ago
solflo 5 months ago

target _parenting so the haunts page works better on iframes. can't believe i'd forgot that. minor fixes on tnk

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sol's home was updated.
5 months ago
solflo 5 months ago

ok pretty chunky update so you might wanna check my homepage. i finished the nonexistent knight analysis. posted thoughts on carmilla. this month's artlog. and a small errata to the carmilla (1989) review

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sol's home was updated.
5 months ago
solflo 5 months ago

analysis update! uploaded up to chapter 7/12 now, and i've actually already written ch 11-12 so there are just three to go really :3

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sol's home was updated.
5 months ago
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solflo 5 months ago

new review: night fangs (2005). it sucked

sol's home was updated.
5 months ago
solflo 5 months ago

new review! theresa & allison is pretty good!

sol's home was updated.
6 months ago
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solflo 6 months ago

new movie review: the devil's plaything (1973)

sol's home was updated.
6 months ago
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solflo 6 months ago

new lesbian vampire movie review (bit 2019). also some housekeeping on my end, so links might get bonked. lmk if you catch anything amiss!

sol's home was updated.
6 months ago
solflo 6 months ago

september artlog! god this month flew by

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sol's home was updated.
6 months ago
solflo 6 months ago

made a link index page that can also get iframed elsewhere (like on tumblr!). feeling big brained about the iframing

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Last updated 6 days ago
CreatedMar 30, 2021
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