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Cool site!
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nuggetindustry 6 months ago

thank you! :D looking forward to more stuff on yours!

I have a question for you. What is your opinion on websites (more specifically neocities sites) where a track autoplay on a given page? Iโ€™m trying different approaches to add a soundtrack to my website but Iโ€™m not sure about autoplaying.
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grossgirl94 6 months ago

personally I really like it, but I like it less when I'm unable to pause it. I want to be able to read the artist/title but usually I am listening to a podcast or my own music while surfing neocities and don't want that to be interrupted

grossgirl94 6 months ago

with that being said tho, I do have 1 page where a song autoplays and now that I think about it, I should unhide the player

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scarbyte 6 months ago

I personally dont like being jumpscared by unexpected music on websites. Also autoplay is disabled by default on almost all browsers anyways.

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lmbdfn 6 months ago

I'll come up with something. Thanks for your answers!

dawnvoid 6 months ago

disabled by default so i have no problem with it, way better when there's a way to manually start/stop it tho

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lmbdfn 6 months ago

first major update soon. The picture represents me, it was made using a combination of datamoshing in Audacity and manual edition in, most notably, Procreate.

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lmbdfn 6 months ago

Happy to be back. Let's rock.

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it gone
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lmbdfn 7 months ago

it will return

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didn't know your site had moved here!
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Hey! there seems to be an issue with the scarbyte domain, maybe it expired?
coffeebug 7 months ago

looks like it :(

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scarbyte 7 months ago

Thanks for letting me know. Looks like I forgot to update my card info after my debit card expired lol

oh wow just noticed my button was in there, by the way, lambdafun was renamed to lmbdfn some time ago. Insane collection! <3
Just finished MyHouse.Wad for the first time, who knows where my room's door will lead to the next time I open it.
lmbdfn 8 months ago

*send help pls*

scarbyte 8 months ago

now read house of leaves :)

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lmbdfn 8 months ago

I am! In fact that's one of the reasons I played MyHouse in the first place.

btw I just noticed that the "stats button" still works after all these years! so I updated the style a bit: (don't hesitate to remix to your own taste)
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lmbdfn 8 months ago

on the other hand it's not that useful, mainly because this platform isn't really about the views and clicks

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedJul 27, 2018
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