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vas 7 years ago

Don't take the edge too seriously. It's like a goth song; you gotta glorify suicide and slitting wrists in your music video, or else it doesn't fit with the aesthetic. 🤣

goodmode 7 years ago

you do you ig, it's just dead uncomfortable for me to read sometimes so i figured id mention my feelings on my blog 😳 like if im distant thatd be why

vas 7 years ago

You don't have to read anything you don't like. I do say I'm intolerable on the "About me". I kinda like reading complaints and stuff. If you wanna get it out of your system feel free to shoot me an email, and I'm also on Facebook/Skype/XMPP if you prefer instant messaging. I know tumblr's pissy so peeps learn to vagueblog / hide stuff, but I like it explicit and straightforward, that's how I make friends. 😎

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goodmode 7 years ago

i use discord and telegram only i'm afraid!

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Last updated 9 months ago
CreatedMay 13, 2017
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