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hi gays and girls... we hit 4mil views 😲 tysm all of you !! i'm really excited, i've been working on dreamyverse chapter 2 a lot recently. i wanna release it already i'm ITCHING but i have a bunch more art to do for it.
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cross-posting this here, i am opening commissions for $20 character portraits! read my deviantart journal (and commission me... do it)
if you'd like, i can show you how write a good story, btw the use of pronouns with the god or whatever is pretty annoying, so might want to stick with one
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meltii 4 years ago

poo poo pee pee

alraune 4 years ago

საზაფხულო არდადეგები ას ოთხ დღეშია. და სკოლა მხოლოდ მისი დასრულებისთვის მოდის ეს არის ჩვენი თაობის ყოველწლიური პრობლემა. ეძებთ კარგ საშუალებას, რომ დახარჯოთ იგი განსაკუთრებით შეაგროვეთ სარაკეტო ან ბრძოლა მუმია ან ასვლა ეიფელის კოშკზე აღმოვაჩინე ის, რაც არ არსებობს ან შხაპს მაიმუნი ტალღები, რომლებიც ქმნიან ნანობებს ან ფრანკენშტეინის ტვინის მოთავსება (აქ დასრულებულია!) იპოვნეთ დოდო ჩიტი, დახაზეთ კონტინენტი ან თქვენი გი

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Hey, I was wondering how you did the code for your visual novel dreamverse pages? I've been trying to study it but I'm too stupid to figure it out ;w; I'm interested in doing something with a similar format on my own site- could you point me in the direction of some resources I could use to learn how?
dreamy 4 years ago

hi! sorry for the late reply. at some point i made a free to use base for the scripting i did for dreamyverse, but i have no idea if people would find that useful (i coded it clunkily and haven't cleaned it up since i'm the only one using it). if there's any interest in the base code despite it being a little messy, i can try to get that ready for free use!

dreamy 4 years ago

i coded the script in jquery, and it uses html classes to designate the bg/sprites/music upon navigation. basically it shows the next 'page' in order based on clicking next/prev, and each page has classes that designate the graphics & audio. i also used mediaelementjs for the music player so there's more options for volume and showing the song title.

dreamy 4 years ago

if you're looking to learn jquery, i would recommend w3schools tutorials:

hello lovely followers, sorry for the lack of updates on dreamyverse in awhile! life has been leaving me without time to draw or otherwise. i just now updated the layout on chapter 1, it's much more appealing imo. and i added a couple new character bios along with a music page~ i'm thinking about making concept art/doodles webpages as well. i was originally going to make a tumblr, but that site went down the drain
encounters-ltd 5 years ago

loving the new update! good luck on chapter 2!

cubertown 5 years ago

just kidding.... unless... ?

dreamy 5 years ago

@cubertown oh shit i thought no one would see my placeholder text-- unless...?

cubertown 5 years ago

i similarly thought you wouldnt see this comment haha... unless...?

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encounters-ltd 5 years ago

unless... UNLESS...

this is the best webcomic on neocities, or anywhere :D

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Last updated 3 months ago
CreatedNov 12, 2016
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webcomic art games music